Sunday, January 8, 2012

Making Your Caregiving New Year Happy!

It's that time of year again ... we all look ahead and make our New Year's resolutions to somehow change or improve some factor in our life. This could be to become more active and lose those extra "love handles" around your waist. You might look at becoming more organized. Or you may plan to make more financial investments. As a caregiver, why not make a few caregiving resolutions? Remember, to keep these planned goals SMART. This is an acronym meaning a number of things; however, the definition I prefer is "specific", "measurable", "achievable". "realistic" and "timely". These promises will, after all, improve your situation with your loved one. Consider the following ideas:

· Delegate. Do not try to accomplish more than you realistically can do. Entrust tasks to outside help wherever and whenever possible to help handle the increased workload. A pharmacist may deliver prescriptions or a neighbour may shovel the sidewalks.

· De-clutter both your mind, your surroundings and, if necessary, de-clutter the space your loved one occupies. Taking control of your environment may help to cope with all the things out of your control. Opening up your loved one’s home also promotes increased safety by having nothing to trip on.

· List and locate important papers you need relating to your caregiving role such as Power of Attorney, Personal Directive, Will, etc. Keep these documents in a secure location that you will remember and be able to access easily if and when necessary.

· Learn as much as you can about your loved one’s condition. The more you know about what to expect and what the options are, the better you will cope.

· Find out what services are available to help you give the best care to your loved one and to avoid burn-out. Ask at the doctor’s office or hospital, browse through your Yellow Pages for Caregiving Services or look online for Respite Care and find out what is required to qualify.

· Prioritize your tasks. Consider that one job may be postponed until tomorrow.

· Disregard the distance. If you are not the primary caregiver due to distance or time factors, look for ways you CAN help. Contribute financially if you are able. Research the specific health condition. Organize the paperwork. Place telephone calls to book appointments or arrange services. Serve as Power of Attorney and arrange for all bills to be sent to you for payment – on behalf of your loved one. Plan regular visits to assist.

· Stay in touch with your family regularly and offer what support you can. Many times just knowing we are not alone gives us the extra boost we need.

These are just a few options. Remember, as with any personal goal-setting, you must walk before you can run. Smaller (and more realistic) goals are often much more achievable. When successfully completely these, you will become more confident in setting and attaining much larger goals.

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